This fourth edition of Data Science Summer School (DS3) is co-organised by the Data Science Initiative of École polytechnique, DATAIA Institute, and the Chair Stress Test.
The primary focus of the event is to provide a series of courses covering the latest advances in the field of data science.
The event is targeted for students (MSc2, PhD), postdocs, academics, members of public institutions, and professionals.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 4th Data Science Summer School, initially planned on June 2020, has been postponed to January 2021 and it will be held virtually.
This special edition of the summer school will last three days and it will include courses, parallel sessions, exhibitions, practical sessions and poster sessions.
DS3 is composed of

tutorials on selected topics presented by
leading experts of the area1,

parallel sessions on Data Science for Climate and Natural Language Processing,

several networking facilities, including poster sessions and meeting possibilities at the sponsor booths.

in-depth tutorials with practical sessions during 3 days in smaller groups.
Statistics of the event 2019 :
- 500 participants
- 307 students (MSc, PhD) & postdocs
- 105 professionals
- 35 experts (speakers, guests)
- 34 countries (click on the flags)
- 6 continents
- 13 in-depth tutorials
- 220 institutions
- 70 companies
- 7 sponsors
- 152 posters
- 28% women’s participation
- Algeria
- Australia
- Austra
- Belgium
- Brazil
- Canada
- Chile
- Colombia
- Czech Republic
- Denmark
- Finland
- Germany
- Greece
- Ireland
- Israel
- Italy
- Japan
- Lebanon
- Luxembourg
- Morocco
- Netherland
- Norway
- Portugal
- Saudi Arabia
- South Korea
- spain
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- Tunisia
- United Arab Emirates
- United Kingdom
- United States of America
Sharing the summer school:
1. Participants are encouraged to present a poster during the event.